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Array ( [gebruikersnaam] => handcrafter )
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Hey Everybody! I just have to tell you something. I have discovered a new hobby few months ago, and I would love to share it with others. That's why I have decided to start this LOG. Well, I don't really know how to really set it professionaly, so sorry for that. However, I am stil going to blog in my own, not so professional way. So, what is that thing; what have I discovered? I have been always handy (no you as...e, not that way!). I just couldn't get a grip on what I want from life and so on. I have started doing something that brings me both - joy and profit. I am making decorations for inside and outside. I mean, I am not a famous artist, that wasn't actually my intention. It just happened. Coming few days I will set here photos of some of my stuff. Best thing is - we all have something like that - sky is the limit. And you don't have to be gifted at all - just do your best and hoop for smthng better. ![]() 22:38:00 03 Februari 2011 Permanente link Reacties (0) |